Columbia River Fishing report 2/25/2019

By February 25, 2019Fishing Reports

After a short winter break it’s time to start making plans for this year’s upcoming fisheries.  First on the list, we have our Spring Chinook run starting soon in mid March.  This year we get the rare opportunity to fish all the way till April 10th!  Not only that, but the lower Columbia River will be closed all the way to Woodland Washington which just so happens to be my home waters.  These fish will have not seen any gear all the way from the ocean, which will make for some fantastic fishing despite a little smaller forecasted run.  Spring Chinook are the most sought after salmon in the world and with one bite you will know why.  When these fish hit the market they are typically 52-57 dollars a pound!  Get ahold of me soon to get your seats booked because they will go fast.  Next up and probably one of my favorite fisheries is Kokanee Salmon on Lake Merwin and Yale lake in SW Washington.  We are already catching good numbers of Kokanee which indicates this years fishing will be dynamite.  Kokanee, although not large they are the best eating fish next to Spring Chinook that we have.  When things really heat up late March -July it’s nearly every day occurrence to catch the whole boat worth of limits.  The limit on Kokanee is 10 fish per person so when all is said and done you’ll leave with a pretty darn good haul of meat.  It’s that time of year again to start thinking about getting out on the rivers and lakes and start catching dinner and even possibly a memory that will last forever.