Columbia River fishing report 9/20/2023

By September 20, 2023Fishing Reports

Fishing on the Columbia River this season has been absolutely phenomenal! Bonneville Dam counts have highly exceded the run forcast for Chinook Salmon thus far! Forcasted at 250,000 chinook and our counts over Bonneville Dam have already reached 500,000 for this season!

The good news is, is we aren’t even close to done yet! Today, Wdfw and Odfw announced they are keeping the river open all the way to the ocean through the rest of the year! This is awesome news! We get to fish the best waters for catching Chinook and Coho for the rest of the season!

Bonneville Dam counts indicate that this is the second highest count in the past 10 years, and the fishing has mirrored those numbers. We have been absolutely hammering fish day after day.

Next, we will continue catching chinook but coho salmon will be entering the equation as well. This is the time of year where we stand a very good chance on limiting the boat out on both Chinook and Coho Salmon through October.

If you didn’t get to make it out this year, it’s not too late. We have a whole lot more great fishing to go! Contact me asap for the best dates. See you on the river!