Fishing for Summer Steelhead has ended with a bang! We have had a large final push of fish up the Columbia River year due to what I believe is all the Chinook and Coho that are starting to enter the mouth of the Columbia. Targeting these Steelhead in deep water, or the cold water run off of the tributaries of the Columbia has been key to the great days we have been having. Now we have started to focus our attention to the upcoming run of Fall Chinook and Silver Salmon that are about to enter the river from the ocean. The ocean has proved to be thus far full of fish beyond our wildest dreams! I cannot wait until they start entering the river down in Astoria Oregon. I still have a few days open for this fishery, and it WILL be the one we will all talk about for years to come! Don’t miss out!
Fishing for Summer Steel head has been very good thus far this year. Water temperatures are a little warmer than normal so the fish have been a little finicky when they bite. They have been biting just now holding on for very long. We have been combating this with quick hook sets and it seems to be paying off! We have a few more good weeks of Summer Steelhead fishing left so don’t miss out and get out here while the getting’s good. Let me remind you all of the Fall Salmon run we are expecting, 1.6 million Chinook and nearly 1 million Coho Salmon are expected to return just over Bonneville Dam this year. These counts are not even what we will expect in the tributaries of the Columbia this year! Call or email to reserve your seats to participate in the largest salmon run on record since there has been a record! Hope to hear from you all soon!
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