Summer Steelhead fishing is been phenomenal so far this month and it’s just getting started! The steel head were a little less eager to move out of the cold ocean water at first due to the warm Columbia River water, but now are really moving through! We will be fishing for steelhead till the 10th of August and then we will be switching gears to the famous Buoy 10 fishery in Astoria Oregon. I still have some awesome dates left for the Fall Chinook and Coho Salmon fishery in Astoria remaining. This is one of the hottest fishing destinations in the world for Fall Kings and Coho Salmon! It is projected to be the third largest fall run on record, but the way the other projections have panned out this year, I believe will be much more fish than they expect. For instance 75,000 Summer Chinook were expected to return and we already have 130,000 over Bonneville Dam! Don’t miss out on this year’s fall run of salmon; it will be another one for the record books!
Summer fishing is in full swing! We are finally wrapping up our Summer Chinook fishing, which was absolutely amazing this year! The run was much larger than predicted which gave us an extra three solid weeks of high numbers of fish hitting the boat! Now we are starting to switch gears to the acrobatic little over achievers known as steelhead. Summer Steelhead, much like the Summer Chinook and Spring Chinook are traveling a great distance to their spawning grounds which make them great eating fish due to their healthy oils they need to complete their journey. They are also a blast to catch! Steelheads are known to make quick runs, and fly out of the water when hooked! There are still great dates left to catch these exciting fish.
After Summer Steelhead we will be heading to the buoy 10 fishery in Astoria Oregon in August. The third largest Fall Chinook and Coho run are expected to return yet again this year! This is the most popular fishery of the NW. Generally we can only keep non hatchery fish until Aug 30th, but this year it has been extended to September 7th! This is so exciting! I can’t explain how cool this is that we get to retain chinook until the 7th! It will be ridiculous good fishing! I’m starting to get a lot of inquiries, and soon the best dates will be gone. Don’t wait too long! Looking forward to fishing with you!