Fishing on the Columbia River for Summer Chinook has been absolutely fantastic this year! We had a projection of 88,000 Summer Chinook to pass through Bonneville Dam, and we have almost surpassed that number with a few more weeks to go! Sockeye Salmon has also blown by the original forecast of 120,000 fish, and now sits at 260,000 total sockeye over the dam. There are still 12,000 sockeye going over Bonneville Dam a day! As we target the Summer Chinook and Sockeye Salmon, Summer Steelhead are also showing up in the daily catches as well! We will be expecting another great run of Summer Steelhead to return to the Columbia River again for 2016! Summer Steelhead are one of the most exciting fish there is to catch, and one of the best eating fish out there as well! We will be targeting Summer Steelhead through July, and then switching gears to the world famous “Buoy 10” fishery for the month of August. There is still some great dates left for both of these fisheries, don’t wait too long to get in on the action!