Fishing at Buoy 10 this year definitely had its ups and downs. Fishing was great one day and not so much the next. The fish were there the whole time; they just didn’t want to play some days. Towards the end of the month it got a lot better though. I would be a billionaire if I could figure out what made them all of a sudden bite like crazy. Now that the Buoy 10 season is over, I have moved inland to intercept fish that have just arrived from the ocean. Thankfully, fishing in my backyard is just as good as it is at Buoy 10. In the past years we always anchored up to catch the fall kings that are moving the Columbia River. Last year, we discovered that trolling for them with specific gear forever changed the game on how to catch them in way larger numbers than ever before. Also the fish we are catching are the highest quality of the fall chinook that is available. Last year, there was a record number of fish caught in the month of October. 37,000 chinook were caught in the area we fish! That is more than the whole allocation for the Buoy 10 area in the month of August with a quarter of the boats fishing! This is the new hottest fishery in the North West and it lasts two more months! The limit is 2 fish per person and they can be hatchery or wild as well. This is the best time to get out and catch high numbers of Fall Chinook. Don’t miss out!