The Summer Chinook fishery started off with a bang June 16th! High water conditions made targeting these fish really easy, in result we had some very stellar days fishing for them. Steelhead started showing up in the daily catches as well and we’re excited to start targeting Summer Steelhead exclusively as we head into July. Summer Steelhead are a great eating, hard fighting, and often acrobatic fish that are a blast to catch! We fish for steelhead with light tackle while casting and feeling the bites with the fishing rods in our hands. Steelhead fishing will be great the whole month of July! Looking into the future we have one of the most world renown fisheries coming up in August. The Buoy 10 fishery is probably the most talked about and anticipated fishery that exists in the lower 48. Buoy 10 is typically great fishing the entire month of August! September 1st, we return home to our local waters in Woodland Washington where we continue catching Fall Chinook and Coho Salmon clear through later October! Summer fishing is in full swing and we are excited for the season to get better and better!