After a short winter break it’s time to start getting excited about the up coming fishing season. Right now we have been targeting hatchery and wild steelhead on the tributaries of the Columbia River. In between steelhead trips, we’ve been fishing for Kokanee with decent success. Our two big upcoming fishery’s are right around the corner and will be here and gone before we know it. First we have the late run winter steelhead on the Cowlitz River. This is one of the best hatchery Winter Steelhead opportunities in the state. We’ll be fishing for these awesome fighting fish in the month of March and April. Our Spring Chinook season on the Columbia will also be heating up around the last week in march through April and into May! If you haven’t heard, Spring Chinook are the most prized fish the northwest has to offer. Very little fish make it to the market anymore, but when it does it goes for nearly $50.00 per pound! The Spring Chinook forecast is calling for 170,000 fish over Bonneville Dam which is still really good. Especially when you factor in all the fish that come into the tributaries below Bonneville. Shoot me and email, call, or text to get on board for another fantastic fishing season!