It was a great season on the Columbia this year but unfortunately it was cut a bit short due to lower than predicted Bonneville Dam counts. The good news is the counts have really went up the last few days and things are looking promising for future runs of fall chinook. Recently, we have been targeting the tributaries of the Columbia the past couple weeks with great success! There’s a lot to look forward to in the next couple months of fishing. First, we are able to keep any Chinook after Oct 1st on local tributary we are fishing. These fish are big, bright, and a blast to catch! Still have some great dates left for that fishery. Next up will be Coho salmon fishing in Late October, early November. This fishery is one of my favorites due to a hands on approach casting and catching a lot of fish. You can’t go wrong in the months of Oct and Nov so get on board before we all go into hypernation for the winter.