The Washington 2020 fishing forecast is looking much like last years of 2019. The 2019 preseason forecasts was not looking all that great, but in the end we had a ton of really great days on the water! Fishing predictions are just that, predictions. They don’t always mean their will be lack of opportunity or slow fishing. We always find and fish the best spots in Oregon and Washington providing the best chance to catch in both states. Their are a some runs that are up in numbers, and some that are down for 2020. Nonetheless, we will have a great time fishing and catching in the upcoming year!
Looking forward to the new year, our run predictions are nearly the same, which last year yielded us a ton of great days on the water. In 2020, we are especially looking forward to our fantastic Kokanee fisheries on lake Merwin and Yale lake in SW Washington. We will also have some great Spring Chinook opportunity in the Columbia River Gorge at the Wind River and Drano Lake. These two fishing destinations are some of the best scenery along with the highest quality fish the northwest provides.
Summer Steelhead fishing is also very fun in July where we target these crazy hard fighting fish in the tributaries of the Columbia River. Summer steelhead is a casting fishery where light tackle is used making for an incredible fight when fish are hooked!
New to 2020, we are also providing ocean coho and chinook fishing from June-August along with bottom fishing trips available March- November. Dungeness crabbing is also a big hit from October- Dacember. And don’t forget the world famous Buoy 10 fishery in August and September! B10 is the super bowl of our fishing year. Fishing there is truly one of our favorite time of the year!
With the Washington 2020 fishing forecast as it is we will continue to target Fall Chinook all the way through November on the tributaries of the Columbia which is also a don’t miss. Call or email for more information on all our upcoming fisheries and get set up on the best days to fish this year will provide. See you on the water!