Salmon fishing on the Columbia River has been nothing less than phenomenal for Spring and Summer Chinook! Even with record breaking spring rainfall, and rivers at flood stage, we managed to find them and capitalize every day.
For the month of July, we’ll be concentrating on Kokanee Salmon and Summer Steelhead. Kokanee are a landlocked sockeye salmon that are very good eating, and a very high probability to catch limits. We will be targeting steelhead which are a blast to fish for, and catch! Call me for availability soon!
After steelhead we’ll transtion into the main event of the year.. Fall Chinook and Coho Salmon! This year our forcast for Fall Chinook is another big return and Coho is supposed to be insane! We had such a fantastic year last year for both species, and with robust Spring/Summer Chinook returns this year we’re looking forward to another awesome year of catching.
Spots are limited and I only have a few days left for fall salmon, but I do want to remind everyone that afternoon trips are an option, and in most cases very successful. Afternoon trips start at 2:30 and run till dusk. I also have a few days open early August and the first couple weeks of Oct. Get ahold of me before all the dates are gone.. See you on the water!