Fishing on the Columbia River has been nothing short of amazing this season! Fishing forecasts all across the board were under predicted which has led us to unexpected longer seasons and higher catches. This years sockeye salmon run surpassed several records, and the spring and summer chinook fishing was insane as well! The future is definitely looking bright for NW fisheries!
We are also looking really great for the fall run of chinook and coho salmon that will begin August 1st. The Pacific Ocean is loaded with chinook and coho right now which will be starting to move into the Columbia River any day now. The fall run of chinook and coho yields our highest catching numbers of the year, and this year we expect it to be bonkers!
We will also be targeting bottom fish this season off the jetty’s of the Columbia River! Bottom fish consists of: Sea Bass, Cabazon, and Ling Cod. All of which are phenomenal eating fish! These fisheries are pretty much grocery store runs with high probability of limits.
There are limited days this season so be fast and book soon to get the best dates. We are very much looking forward to an epic season this fall! See you on the water!